[Salon] JFK, William Polk, Scott Ritter

SCOTT RITTER  speaking, 28 minutes and 28 seconds into youtube clip:  ⭐️https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOsW84wYdzg 

"You know, I used to have a friend, named William Polk, and I say, 'used to', because tragically he passed away, a couple of years ago. But William Polk was a man who was in the inner circle for John F. Kennedy, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and he talks about, and he's talked to me, many times, about the decision-making that was going on, in the role that Kennedy played preventing a nuclear war; the maturity Kennedy had as a leader.  Part of that maturity came from when Kennedy was first briefed on what was then called the single integrated operation plan, the 'SIOP', the American War Plan. He went to the Pentagon, and they briefed him, they said this, "If we go to nuclear war, this is what we've got". And basically, it was premised on the notion that America will be the largest surviving civilization, but in order to guarantee that, we have to kill everybody in the world. And Kennedy came out, "That's insane, I'm not doing that, and he turned to his advisors and said "We call ourselves the human race",  and he said " you have to give me options"! Every president since then, or up until George W. Bush, reacted the same way, when they first got that briefing on how America plans to go to war, which is to destroy the entire world, so that when the 20 to 30% of America that survives, will be the largest remaining civilization cluster in the world, guaranteeing American global dominance in a post-nuclear conflict - Insanity - ! They all said the same thing, "Give me options. I can't go and do that, You can't make me do this, you have to give me options." And the Pentagon always gave them options that inevitably led to that. Since the end of the Soviet Union, the collapse of  the Soviet Union, the Americans have downplayed their nuclear war plan. We de-targeted our missiles. Nothing was automatic any more. We were heading on the path of getting rid-of nuclear weapons, and then George W. Bush came along in a post 9-11 environment, and said, " we will use our nuclear weapons, to ensure that a 9-11 never happens again, and re-inserted nuclear war planning into our military doctrine. And today we have that same mindset, that same nuclear war strategy, WITHOUT the maturity of John F. Kennedy...." 


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